Thursday, October 05, 2006


I've been thinking quite hard today about what insipres me and what and where I could possible find inspiration for my final collection and I've been stuggling. Well I know what things inspire me, what I like, but how I could turn them into ideas for a collection which doesn't just reproduce either their ideas or something that has been done before is troubling me. And I've been trying to find an image for my lesson with Fiona this evening but I really can't find even one garment that I like that I want to attempt to recreate or take inspiration from. I think thats a bit rubbish. Anyways some of the things that insipre me and that might (you never know) start some other idea rolling are (some old things.some new)hannah lamb,The Wolves in the Walls, zines,looking at how everyones ears are different, the Kabuki comics ,

photographs of ordinary, beautiful things, lomography (username: wannadisco my old lomo hasnt been updated in an age.maybe nows the time to start again?), vintage swimwear and drinking tea. I'm sure theres more but I've just realized how long I've sat here and I really should do something on my RSA now.


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