Monday, December 11, 2006

Planning and Research: Initial Proposal for Final Major Project

Collection Overview
A contemporary womenswear collection for Spring/Summer 2008 aimed at the 16 – 24 age range in a mid price range bracket with no single item exceeding £40 in production costs. The collection is to consist of 5-6 outfits with a minimum of two garments per outfit and be one-off bespoke pieces. Garments are to be made out of recycled, reclaimed and vintage textiles, not necessarily originally produced for fashion purposes with a strong emphasis throughout on surface decoration to include machine and hand embroidery and screenprint.

Surface Decoration
All the garments in my collection will display some form of surface decoration which will follow a specific theme. This will be embroidery, machine or hand or screenprint or possibly both. Throughout my research sketchbook I have been inspired by different types of illustrations and embroidered/printed surfaces but the idea that I like the most is using single line illustrations that give the impression of ink or pen line drawings.

This would be best achieved if the thread is kept to a maximum of two colours per image and dark colours, particularly navy and black appear to work best. I do like the idea of ‘drawing’ with a sewing machine and this idea is quite important to my collection.

Throughout my sketchbook there is a variety of themes and ideas that I could use to base my collection around which include wolves, stories, narratives, memories, people, love, flowers, trees, animals, girls annual images, layers, bits and pieces, birds, make believe, fairy tales, children’s books, words, garment patterns, blueprints, the seaside, holidays, feeding ducks, collage, butterflies and a range of everyday objects.

Of these themes there is a selection that I wish to develop further to possibly base my collection around one or a combination of these. The ideas I wish to research and develop further are wolves as this brings together the reoccurring wolf theme from my sketchbook, animals, stories and narratives as wolves appear in these throughout history, children’s books as wolves are a popular theme for these and childhood memories relating specifically to myself. Another theme I wish to work on is that of memories, mainly focusing on childhood memories, both my own and in general. This theme could also incorporate the ideas of stories, narratives, people, make believe, fairy tales, children’s books, the seaside, holidays and ducks and also possibly include a range of images of everyday items relating to the memories explored.

Outfits and Garment
I intend to design and make 5 to 6 womenswear outfits for Spring/Summer 2008 as set out in my collection overview. I plan to do this by designing an array of garments which will include dresses, skirts, tops including t-shirts and blouses, jackets and outer garments as well as possible undergarments such as slips and stockings. I may also chose to design and make, rather than just source accessories to accompany my outfits but this will be if time permits as I would rather concentrate on the making of my garments. I intend to design, make the patterns and make up and construct all the garments myself. I will create my patterns by adapting basic garment blocks, by working directly onto a mannequin and also possibly by adapting vintage dressmaking patterns. The seasons of spring and summer will be reflected in my choice of garment design and the fabric which I chose to make these from. So far I have not designed any garment ideas so after my initial tutorial this is my first task towards completing my final major project.

I would like to base my colour palette loosely around industry colour predictions for Spring/Summer 2008 although up to this point I haven’t been able to find any information about this. I am hoping and planning that there will be some information in the next issue of Textile View which is due into the library on 15th December and then I can tailor my ideas for colours to this more specifically.

So far I have developed various colour palettes from which I can combine and alter colours to create a final colour palette for the beginning of next semester when these ideas are finalized. Developing my colour palette as soon as possible is quite important to my final major project as the fabrics and textiles I want to use need to be collected and sourced from various places and I will not defiantly be able to find what I want straight away.

Spring/Summer 2008 Sportswear Colour Prediction

Besides The Seaside (Based on future prediction for S/S 08 from International Textiles)

Vintage Doily Colour Palette

Time Management
To successful complete my final collection to a professional standard I will have to manage my time very well. There are a few things that I have set out to complete over the winter break in time for my tutorial in January that will set me in good stead to have the information and inspiration I need to start my final collection immediately at the start of next semester and to continue at a good pace until the fashion show in May and Graduate Fashion Week in June.
These things are:

- A sketchbook for surface decoration and design ideas. One of these will be based on wolves and foxes as mentioned in surface decoration ideas above and another based on childhood memories, my own and childhood memories in general. These are to include secondary research for specific targeted inspiration but mainly primary research to provide a variety of images and styles which can be taken forward as surface decorations
- A sketchbook for garment shapes and outfit ideas based on vintage garment shapes based on the era the fabric is sourced from and from industry predictions for Spring/Summer 2008.
- A finalized colour palette
- Starting to source and collect fabrics and trims etc.

After my initial tutorial to finalize my plans for my final major project I will develop a time plan and create a weekly timetable to ensure that my time is managed effectively and efficiently. This will also ensure that all the specific tasks that need to be accomplished to achieve my final major project are completed at the necessary time and to the standard that I wish to attain. I will also develop a scheme of work and a time plan for working with a placement first year so that their time is used productively, that they gain from their experience and also that I delegate certain tasks effectively.

The overall presentation package of my final major project is also important and should tie in with the theme of my final collection. I intend to produced a collection of sketchbooks which will include my initial research and planning sketchbook completed in this module, at least two surface design inspiration sketchbooks as set out above and at least one design sketchbook which is to include garment shapes, outfit combinations, fabric samples, placement print ideas and final outfit designs.

I also intend to create a series of design boards to a professional standard to illustrate my ideas and final designs. These are to be of A3 size and to include the following; an inspiration board, a detailed surface decoration display board with samples of techniques, a final illustration board of all 5/6 outfits with front and back views and a flat sketch board with full design details and descriptions of all garments and surface decoration placements including fabric samples.

I set out to produce a complete production file for all my final garments which will include a pattern, an initial illustration, a production sketch, a working drawing, a method of make, a costing sheet, lay plans and specification measurements for each garment I produce.

I also intend to organize a location photo shoot for my collection and to oversee the styling of my collection, although I intend to work with someone who is concentrating on styling to complete this I don’t anticipate handing over creative freedom of this entirely.

To accompany my final collection of outfits I also wish to produce a collection of promotional materials which will include a business card to promote myself and my work, and may also include postcards, leaflets, booklets, a CD or magazine but the format and media which this will take will be decided in discussions in tutorials and will be produced alongside working on my collection. At present I have not done any design work or idea gathering on this idea, but I do think that this is an important aspect of my completed final major project.

I will also have a professional portfolio of completed design work to display my work to its best effect and set me in good stead as a graduate looking for work in the fashion industry.


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